Useful Traits Of Primary Care Behavioral Health Counselors
Behavioral health counselors must be able to function in the face-paced primary care environment. To be effective, they should: * be flexible enough to deal with noise, frequent interruptions, and constant changes in scheduling; * be able to offer brief, targeted interventions usually lasting less than 30 minutes; * be comfortable with short-term counseling, often lasting less than eight visits; * function well in a team-approach accept the fact that they are not in charge of the clients’ care; * be behaviorally, rather than personality, focused;
Useful Traits Of Primary Care Behavioral Health Counselors
Behavioral health counselors must be able to function in the face-paced primary care environment. To be effective, they should: * be flexible enough to deal with noise, frequent interruptions, and constant changes in scheduling; * be able to offer brief, targeted interventions usually lasting less than 30 minutes; * be comfortable with short-term counseling, often lasting less than eight visits; * function well in a team-approach accept the fact that they are not in charge of the clients’ care; * be behaviorally, rather than personality, focused;